Dr. Shafayat was successfully awarded a doctorate from a world-leading research organization, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), with the most prestigious CAS-TWAS (Italy) President fellowship of China. Excellent collaborative capabilities with top-ranking research laboratories/ organizations (University of Cambridge, University of York, Tsinghua University, and Institute of Biophysics, CAS) for solving unanswered biological questions. Dedicated biological researchers for more than 6 years of research experience in the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Developmental Biology, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, and published several SCI/Scopus indexed peer-review articles. Bearing more than 3 years of job experience in Pharmaceutical formulations and developing several pharmaceutical products. Mr. Shafayat identified 19 novel genes (from 1,152 transgenic RNAi knockdown in vivo screening) that significantly contributed to NMJ synapse development. He also showed that GstO1 regulates NMJ synapse development on the postsynaptic side in Drosophila for the first time. His study confirms for the first time that glutathionylation regulates synapse development by promoting proteasome-mediated degradation of Gbb. He also found that glutathionylation of Gbb promotes its ubiquitination and subsequent degradation through Ctrip. As GSTO1 is involved in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, his study provides novel perspectives for understanding the pathogenesis of GSTO1-associated disorders. He has attended several scientific seminars like the Asia-pacific Drosophila neuroscience conference, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (January 16–20, 2019). Mr. Hossain was invited as a key speaker at Jashore University of Science and Technology (August 13, 2018) and Khulna University (July 17, 2017), Bangladesh. Dr. Hossain is a member of Biomedical Research Foundation (BRF), International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, and Medico Research.
He got several Fellowship/Research fund/Honors/Grants as follows: -
✅ Research fund (personal), 2018-2020 (http://english.genetics.cas.cn/), fund: $30K
✅ Ph.D. project grant, 2018-2020, National Natural Science Foundation of China; (www.nsfc.gov.cn), fund: $38K
✅ CAS-TWAS President Fellowship (Italy), 2014-2018, fund: $55K
✅ Best presenter, Annual Forum of Young Scholars award, 2019, IGDB, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, fund: $500
✅ Travel award, International and 9th National Forum of Pharmacy, 2016, China Pharmaceutical University, China, fund: $1000
His research interest is in Neuroscience, Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology, Pharmaceutical Technology, FormulationDevelopment, Pharmacology, Genetics, and Genomics. Technically, he is an expert in using Mass Spectroscopy, Immunoassay, Confocal Microscopy, Western Blotting, RT-PCR, UPLC, HPLC, Bacterial Cloning, Cell transfection, and DNA/RNA/ Protein/Plasmid extraction.
Self-motivated and goal-oriented individual with multiple oversee project handling capabilities, proven leadership, excellent communication skills, and strong project management skills to achieve high productivity and improve our society.